HW 14

HW 14, due THURSDAY 5/5/22

Due on the day of the scheduled final exam

The final is scheduled for Th 5/5/2022. There is no final however, because the project is due instead.

1) In previous HWs you made advances in your project. Now finish it: pull together everything you've done on it. Arrange and edit as necessary to make a single paper, project report, skit, video, or whatever creative product you have worked on. Alternative: if "pulling together everything you've done on the project" does not make sense, then finish it however it needs to be done. The target length, if a paper, is 3,000 words or more. The project is scored equivalently to two HWs.

Hand it in. You can email it, for example, to thehumanracetothefuture@gmail.com. Or you can hand in hard copy or however else is appropriate to turn it in.

2) Have a good break!

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