Bolded text is planned for this semester.
Unbolded text is supplementary, possible, etc.
Th 6:00, 1/20/2022 (lecture recordings: 2022, 2021, 2020)
General course information
Let's also look through this syllabus
Introduction (transcript)
Do I get some sort of bragging rights?
Here is more on the result
Videos: shorts for 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2017, 2016, 2014, 2013 & 2012
Futurism organization examples: KurzweilAI, APF, Millenium Project
--- 7:20 p.m. ---
Trajectories of the future (Mars spreadsheet) (transcript)
Examples: Space exploration - US vs. USSR, world
Covid is another partial exponential example
Any HW1 Qs? Why this due date & is it good?
Homework #2, due F 2/4/2022
--- 7:20 p.m. ---
Delphi Method (ii) (transcript ii, ii cont.)
Supplementary material:
a footnote on (mis)use of the term (ser. #13)
real-time Delphi;
including probability in the question posed;
a similar method (ser. #13)
Th 2/3/2022...Race to the future (ser. #9)
--- 7:20 p.m. ---
Delphi Method (ii) (transcript ii, ii cont.)
Supplementary material:
a footnote on (mis)use of the term (ser. #13)
real-time Delphi;
including probability in the question posed;
a similar method (ser. #13)
Th 2/3/2022...Race to the future (ser. #9)
Homework #3, due F 2/11/2022 (extended one day to Friday)
Note to instructor
Th 2/24/2022... Special plan due to campus closure: log in for class
Homework #4, due F 2/18/2022
Sample prediction market contract (ser. #12, directory predictionMarketStatements)
"How to Really Achieve Your Childhood Dreams" (ser. #3)
Homework #5, due F 2/25/2022 Sample prediction market contract (ser. #12, directory predictionMarketStatements)
"How to Really Achieve Your Childhood Dreams" (ser. #3)
Th 2/17/2022
Building your personal future workshop (recordings: Sp'22, Sp'20; inst. note) (ser. #14)
Building your personal future workshop (recordings: Sp'22, Sp'20; inst. note) (ser. #14)
Th 2/24/2022... Special plan due to campus closure: log in for class
To be rescheduled for next week due to weather closure:
Theories of Innovation (Sp'20 recording) (slides in Content/...)
Homework #6, due F 3/4/2022
Th 3/3/2022...
Questions on HW for tomorrow?
Homework #7, due F 3/11/2022
Homework #6, due F 3/4/2022
Th 3/3/2022...
Questions on HW for tomorrow?
Homework #7, due F 3/11/2022
Rescheduled for today due to weather last week:
Cones of uncertainty
Th 3/10/2022...TRIZ (recordings: Sp'22, Sp'20) (ser. #2)
Homework #8, due F 3/18/2022
Th 3/17/2022: Spoil Sports of Prediction
(recordings: Sp'22, Sp'21, Sp'20; transcript parts 1 (ser. #1), 2 (ser. #6) , & 3)
Homework #8, due F 3/18/2022
Th 3/17/2022: Spoil Sports of Prediction
Homework #9, due F 4/1/2022
Spoil sports of the prediction game (ser. #6) (recordings: Sp'22, Sp'21, Sp'20; transcript parts 1 (ser. #1), 2 (ser. #6) , & 3)
Th 3/24/2022: Spring break
Instructor note: time to (request speaker) if needed
Th 3/31/2022 (recordings: Sp'22, Sp'20) ..
Discuss plans for student presentations on 4/22/22, 4/29/22
Homework #10 (ser. #10), due F 4/8/2022
Making the future: from invention to customer discovery (ser. #16)
Homework #11, due F 4/15/2022 Homework #10 (ser. #10), due F 4/8/2022
Making the future: from invention to customer discovery (ser. #16)
Who is Ray Kurzweil? (a, b, c, d)
View Transcendent Man (rent, free) (84 min.) (ser. #15)
Discuss Transcendent Man and the singularity (transcript)
View Transcendent Man (rent, free) (84 min.) (ser. #15)
Discuss Transcendent Man and the singularity (transcript)
Life extension demo spreadsheet
Plan for next week Watch Movie Earth 2100 (length 1:23) (ser. #4)
Take notes! What would you be interested to discuss?
Discuss movie & etc. (transcripts i and ii) (ser. #5)
Take notes! What would you be interested to discuss?
Discuss movie & etc. (transcripts i and ii) (ser. #5)
Homework #12, due BY CLASS TIME, Th 4/21/2022
A climate change resource page
Supplemental as time allows: About NYC & flooding (article)
A climate change resource page
Supplemental as time allows: About NYC & flooding (article)
Th 4/21/2022...Student presentations (CP, TA, JC)
Recording (must login): 2022 (see file ./proj...)
Homework #13, due THURSDAY 4/28/2022
Long term societal cycles
Th 4/28/2022...Student Presentations (OA, JB, PS, JS)
Long term societal cycles
Th 4/28/2022...Student Presentations (OA, JB, PS, JS)
Recording (must login): 2022
Homework #14, due THURSDAY 5/5/2022
Long term societal cycles
Prediction market summary
Long term societal cycles
Th 5/5/2022...Final Exam, if there was one, but there isn't
HW14: project due (instead of final exam)
Have a Good Break!
Have a Good Break!
Below are potential additional topics
Information references of the future:
Information references of the future:
Robotics (if time allows)
Option 1:
Decentralized Societies (with robots)
Robotic Dilemmas (ser. #mult. c)
Some robot pics and videos (first, just search anew)
AIShield, safeguarding humanity and the risks of AI/robotics
Robot pets (what about robot friends, partners, parents, kids...?)
Option 2:
Robotics (option 2): Setup, Using it, IR signal
thing pages; wiki-wiki-wikipedia; Watson; ???
Will we find other intelligent life?
SETI: see end of this video
Drake equation and such (transcript i, and ii)
Toxoplasmosis (ser. #11)(Slate and The Atlantic articles)(transcript)
toxoplasmosis related Homework (see unposted draft)
Impact: the futurism board "game"
Review & recap
Science, pseudoscience, and the simulated universe hypothesis
Futurism web site examples:
the-future-in-dubai-1.1466419Option 1:
Decentralized Societies (with robots)
Robotic Dilemmas (ser. #mult. c)
Some robot pics and videos (first, just search anew)
AIShield, safeguarding humanity and the risks of AI/robotics
Robot pets (what about robot friends, partners, parents, kids...?)
Option 2:
Robotics (option 2): Setup, Using it, IR signal
thing pages; wiki-wiki-wikipedia; Watson; ???
Will we find other intelligent life?
SETI: see end of this video
Drake equation and such (transcript i, and ii)
Toxoplasmosis (ser. #11)(Slate and The Atlantic articles)(transcript)
toxoplasmosis related Homework (see unposted draft)
Impact: the futurism board "game"
Review & recap
Science, pseudoscience, and the simulated universe hypothesis
Futurism web site examples:
TED videos and discussions
Backup plan for homo sapiens: space adventure
From geotagging to the end of privacy
Do scientific proofs exist? (transcript)
Homework (see unposted draft)
Guest lecture (remote): Dr. Harry Pence (MilneBigData13-3.ppt) (transcript)
More on COVID-19 (Sp'20 recording) (see content/COVID-19.xsl)
Crowdsourcing innovation
3-D printing and rep-rap
The future of the presidency (ser. #8)
Peak oil, solar cells, and new energy (see &
Shift happens (& prediction heuristics)
Hubbert peak for oil
photovoltaics (solar cells) ser. #7
Solar cells from agricultural waste
Trend analysis
photovoltaics (solar cells) ser. #7
Solar cells from agricultural waste
Trend analysis
Video discussions II (last video not that great)
Some rough notes on potential other discussion topics