Thursday, February 6, 2014

Prediction Market Contract

(Not a valid contract -- for educational use only)
Contract #__

Prediction Market Contract

This document hereby certifies that 

The broker (Little Rock Prediction Company, Little Rock's most famous prediction marketplace)

will pay the last owner 
and charge the first owner 
of this contract
the sum of 


if the following event occurs as specified:

There is a cancellation of all classes on the main UALR campus
for any reason and any period of time between
6:00 p.m. on Thursday February 13, 2020
8:40 p.m. on Thursday April 30, 2020

Otherwise this contract shall have a value of $0.00 (nothing)

Sold by________________ to_____________for $______ on _________

Sold by________________ to_____________for $______ on _________

Sold by________________ to_____________for $______ on _________

Sold by________________ to_____________for $______ on _________

Sold by________________ to_____________for $______ on _________

Sold by________________ to_____________for $______ on _________

Sold by________________ to_____________for $______ on _________

Sold by________________ to_____________for $______ on _________

(continue on back as needed --->)

Price history: