Two approaches to future technology
1) Remember the past, then
predict the future
Example: exponential "laws"
2) Dream the future, then
make it happen
Example 1: Rain Mon
Example 2: Let's make our own!
We'll do it workshop style...
We need to decide on working asLarger groups
Groups of 2
Individuals (the choice that went literally viral 2020 & 2021!)
Best way under normal circumstances:
Full class, then small groups, then individuals
Let's do, then reflect on, each stage below...
Write down some steps in
your typical use of:
a faucet (or other water dispenser)
Write down a few steps in
your typical use of:
a smartphone
Let's hear a few...
Now, decide what to invent a new kind of or improvement to:
Let's do, then reflect on, each stage below...
A. Decide on your interest
Write down some steps in
your typical use of:
a faucet (or other water dispenser)
Write down a few steps in
your typical use of:
a smartphone
Now, decide what to invent a new kind of or improvement to:
Social media design for a specific community
Something else of your choice
Lots and lots of steps!
Then we'll compare notes
What step(s) are associated with
Find the pain points
Then we'll compare notes
You can update your steps if you like
Create solution(s) to pain point(s)
Then we'll compare notes
Use a technique, many exist
TRIZ (we discussed)
9 Windows
6 Hats
Mind Maps
Brainstorming (a good choice for today)
Hint on the best way to brainstorm:
Generate ideas freely
"No idea left behind!"
Judge them later
Suppose we wanted to make a startup
The "Lean Canvas" is a new planning method
A variation is the "Business Model Canvas"
It is a path forward on one sheet of paper
Compare that to a 50-page "Business Plan"
One is much shorter
One is easier to change
Startup ideas often do change!
One more realistically matches the startup process
One is rapidly growing more popular
Let's look at a lean canvas template now
image search for one, or go here
In fact, let's fill it out together,
one compartment at a time
Unique value proposition
Unfair advantage (if any)
Customer segment(s)
We'll focus on this more later
Cost structure
Revenue streams
You think you know they want it
But do they?
You have to ask them!
Figure out some questions to ask them
Interview your neighbor (or the group if we're online)
Then we'll switch to new neighbors
Something else of your choice
B. Write down *more* steps
Lots and lots of steps!
Are any of them annoying?
Then we'll compare notes
C. Find "pain points"
What step(s) are associated with
Find the pain points
Then we'll compare notes
You can update your steps if you like
D. Invent solution(s)!
Create solution(s) to pain point(s)
Then we'll compare notes
Use a technique, many exist
TRIZ (we discussed)
9 Windows
6 Hats
Mind Maps
Various others (take "Strategies for Innovation")
Brainstorming (a good choice for today)
Hint on the best way to brainstorm:
Generate ideas freely
"No idea left behind!"
Judge them later
E. The lean canvas
Suppose we wanted to make a startup
The "Lean Canvas" is a new planning method
A variation is the "Business Model Canvas"
It is a path forward on one sheet of paper
Compare that to a 50-page "Business Plan"
One is much shorter
One is easier to change
Startup ideas often do change!
One more realistically matches the startup process
One is rapidly growing more popular
Let's look at a lean canvas template now
image search for one, or go here
In fact, let's fill it out together,
one compartment at a time
Unique value proposition
Unfair advantage (if any)
Customer segment(s)
We'll focus on this more later
Cost structure
Revenue streams
F. Customer discovery
You think you know they want it
But do they?
You have to ask them!
Figure out some questions to ask them
Interview your neighbor (or the group if we're online)
Then we'll switch to new neighbors
If time, let's try another one!