Updated 2/17/22
Here is a futurist's web site
Let's look at it now
He also co-founded
His other web site is
is different
M. Barber has a book on designing your own future
We will try it
First a few intro comments
Then we'll do it workshop style
comments (ch. 1)
The procedure is aimed at
Many clients
"hand control for their life's
journey over to others." (p.5)
"... many people spend
more time planning for
a ... holiday than ...
for their entire lives." (p. 9)
What if you are doing what you really want?
You will waste less time
... and enjoy what you do more
But how?
An approach was developed
By Barber
= The Australian Strategic
Planning Institute
The Approach
(starts in ch. 2)
Here are 4 types of people
All have one part of what it takes
but without all parts,
you're limiting yourself!
Which of these are you?
1. Big idea people
2. Detail oriented people
3. Always busy people
4. Thinkers
Limitations of the 4 types
1. Big Idea people
Hard for them to make a
good idea actually happen
2. Detail oriented folks
Don't see where they are going
Forget to smell the roses
3. Always busy people
Get less done than
it seems they should
4. Thinkers
While thinking
things through,
"life just passes them by"
If you had to pick one type
to try to avoid getting caught by,which would it be?
In your imagination,
what might be an example of
each type of person?
If you can combine all 4,
the shortcomings of each are
compensated for by the other 3
What do you think of
the 4 type system?
The limitations of each?
The process
These match the 4 types
Strategic phase
Uses "Big Idea" approach
Figure out your vision
Operational phase
- I would have called it
tactical phase
Uses "detail oriented" approach
Figure out how to
achieve the vision
Execution phase
Use the "always busy" approach
Make the vision happen!
Evolution phase
Use a "thinker" based approach
Adjust the vision, tactics & execution over time
Let's start with
Strategic phase"
and continue on from there
1. Strategic phase (ch. 3–5)
What is your vision?
What are the
obstacles to
achieving it?
"A vision is a strongly desired
end state ... something you
would like in the future" (p. 17)
you will not hand this in -
it is for your own information only!
List the most important things in your life:
List the most significant events
What do you conclude about yourself so far?
What helps you get up in the morning?
What keeps you awake at night?
What would you spend more
time on if you could?
What do you spend lots of time on?
What do you do most frequently?
Of those things you do a lot,
which ones are fun/rewarding/etc.?
(as opposed to not fun/rewarding/etc.)
If you could,
what things would you give up doing,
if you could do better things instead?
If you could,
what things would you
be unwilling to do?
What things do you
feel you must have in life?
Now write your rough vision:
In ___ years, I'd like to ________
Think big: in ___ years,
my life will involve _______
I will know I'm on track when
If my future is right, I'd probably
hear people in my environment
saying things like
Suppose it is the future and
you have achieved your vision.
How do you feel and what are
you doing?
Summarize all the above into a
second version of your vision
of what your life will be like in
___ years.
"In ___ years,
Adjust your vision to avoid traps (p. 41)
The autopilot vision trap:
If your vision is:
* Vague
* Exists only by default
* Is not well defined enough to
know how to achieve
or to be able to adjust
Example: "be happy"
Adjust your vision
(if appropriate to do so)
Is it ok to have a very
vague personal vision?
The "historical habit" vision trap:
Is your vision is a statement
of your historical habits?
Adjust it to be forward thinking
rather than backward thinking
Note: If your life is just fine,
no need to feel obliged to change it!
The "no time frame" vision trap:
Your vision has no time limit
It is better to have a target date,
so you have something clear to
work toward
Adjust your vision
to have a target date
The "who cares?" vision trap:
Is your vision boring to you?
Then it falls into that trap
Review your answers to
the discovery questions above
and revise your vision statement
The "make others care" vision trap:
Your vision is written
to impress others,
not offend others, etc.
Don't do it just for this course!!
Keep your vision your
secret if need be,
and make it yours!
Revise your vision accordingly as needed
Now make any adjustments you like to your vision:
Got a vision that speaks to you?
Put it in your wallet
[put bag of scissors in this serial number. Bring to class so they can cut out a wallet sized paper]
Stick it to your fridge
Tattoo it on yourself
- Just kidding:
visions can change
over time
On Important Things (ch. 4)
Some things are
more important
than others!
Seems obvious, but...
It is easy to get sidetracked
Focus on the important things
The more important it is,
the more time and energy it deserves
The less important it is,
the less time and energy it deserves
your vision now
Might have to make a
new wallet copy!
There is
and then there are
A strategic "issue":
A challenge requiring
effort to meet that
stands in the way of your vision
Other effort sinks are not
as strategically important
It's not always easy
to tell the difference!
Here is how, though
List your major challenges/issues
(current or anticipated soon):
Issue I/NI U/NU_____________________ ___ ____
_____________________ ___ ____
_____________________ ___ ____
_____________________ ___ ____
_____________________ ___ ____
_____________________ ___ ____
_____________________ ___ ____
_____________________ ___ ____
_____________________ ___ ____
(examples - p. 66-7)
Next, label each major issue with
"U" if urgent
(needs action now)
"NU" if not urgent
Next, label each major issue with
"I" if important
(to you in overall life)
"NI" if not important
Now, look at just
issues that are:
Order them in priority
(1 = highest priority)
Review & reality check
For each challenge/issue:
What would happen if I let it go? (Ignored it)
Reassess what is really
"I" (important)
"U" (urgent)
Now re-number
the priorities of
the remaining
"I" + "U" items
Recheck your vision:
any changes needed?
2. Operational Phase (ch. 6–10)
What to do about the challenges?
1. Identify your skills and resources
2. Figure out how to apply
them to the challenges
Here's where we move to planning!
Some skills & resources:
Other people
Anything else
About time:
Most people waste a lot of it
If you waste less,
you have more left
- for your vision
There's the obvious
TV, etc.
any others?
...and the less obvious
time spent on unnecessary busyness
Any examples?
A welcome thought:
"Getting your future right
might mean doing less
not doing more!" -p. 79
Less TV/gaming/etc.
might be better than more
No need to become an ascetic
Zero is not essential
About money:
is there some way to need less?
many projects have used
Making the rubber meet the road
For each strategic issue ("I"&"U"):
list the skills, talents, & resources
needed to handle it
Even if you don't have them
Label each strategic issue's
skills, talents, & resources with:
Which skills, talents, & resources
you have ("H")
are not available ("NA")
you could develop ("CD")
Now label them with where you could obtain
them (yourself, family, school, wherever it is)
Are any skills/talents/resources stretched too thin? (p. 86)
you might need to
relabel an "H" as a
"CD" or even "NA"
Now re-prioritize:
Which issues/challenges are
most powerful in getting to
your vision?
(Based on resources H & CD)
Renumber their priories as needed
(at ch. 7, p. 91)
Recall the process:
1) Strategic phase
Figure out a vision for your future
2) Operational phase
Figure out how to attain your vision
I would call it "tactical phase"
Strategy first, tactics second
3) Execution phase
Do things to get to the vision
4) Evolution phase
Rethink and adjust
strategy, tactics and
activities over time
Where we are:
You have a list of strategic issues
These are things
to deal with that will
help you get
closer to your vision
Review (or reconstruct) the list now
Next, process the list (again):
Busyness doesn't mean progress
We want to find out
what items lead to progress
Star each item for which:
If you respond to it now,
it will get you
closer to the vision
Are there any items that:
Need to be handled
to enable a
other(s) to be handled?
Circle them
These are
key prerequisites
"Core" strategic issues
Stepping stones to
other strategic issues
Foundational building blocks
If you could address
only one strategic issue:
Which one would it be?
That one is a good one to
do something about right away!
A few more words on being busy
People often don't get it:
Being busy can be wasted time
Maybe relaxing is better
Rest up for the important stuff!
Examples of people not getting it:
Author's anecdote about
always carrying a file
when on duty (p. 96)
If you can see the
back of someone's head
they are being productive
What about telecommuting?
Tactics: operational plans (ch. 8)
You have identified capabilities:
For each strategic issue:
list the skills, talents, & resources
needed to handle it)
For each key strategic issue:
Take a page and fill out a chart
1. The strategic issue
2. Capabilities
(skills, talents, resources)
3. Strategic action
(What you can do)
4. Resources allocated
You have only so much
of these -
How much will you use
for this strategic action?
(Example - p. 100)
Do it for your
core strategic issues,
You can't do everything at once!
Write an estimated
Start and
End date
for each core strategic issue
Expectation Management (ch. 9)
Your vision might be to
be a famous sports star
Good luck
...but have a backup vision
Write down how well
your vision
can also be
an expectation
If it is hard to expect:
Is there a more expectable
alternative version
of your vision?
alternative vision?
way to make a vision
more expectable?
E.g. personal development
Example p. 106-7
Your current status (ch. 10)
Let's take stock of
where you are in your plan!
(List on p. 112-3)
The next phase is executing the plan
3. Execution Phase (ch. 11–15)
The following could some day be part of a HW:
Building Your Personal Future
1. ("Do"). Based on your work on this topic, identify something that will progress you toward your vision, such as a strategic action that helps address a strategic issue, such as a core strategic issue that is a prerequisite to others. (On your blog, simply note if you succeeded on this question, but don't put the answer there.)
2. ("Monitor"). Consider the results of 1. How well did it work, or is it working now? If well, then you are on track. If instead any problems of any kind arose, see 3. (On your blog, note if it worked or not, but don't put what it was.)
3. ("Accountability"). If step 2. above worked, reward yourself! If things did not go as well as hoped for, analyze why and what you could do to circumvent them. Take notes on this for future reference. (On your blog, note the result of this question in general terms, but don't put any details.)
4. (Optional) Repeat steps 1 through 3.
5. (Optional) Keep on repeating, good luck, and remember to smell the flowers!
4. Evolution Phase (ch. 16–17)
Learn from your experiences up to now
Adjust as needed to continue forward